NGX | Brand film London, Dorset & Kent

Live-action brand film created for NGX. Filmed, edited and produced by Dreaming Fish Productions in London, Dorset and Kent.


The client

Nutri-Genetix (NGX) is the creation of Alex, Hugo and Jeremy who have created a simple shake from natural plant ingredients that uses a DNA test to personalise the ingredients and nutrition levels. You may have seen Jeremy on Dragons’ Den where he won a ยฃ50,000 investment from Peter Jones and Touker Suleyman. Jeremy first approached DreamingFish back in 2020 to shoot some live-action interview videos for use on the website and for fund raising. The interviews were with Jeremy and Olga, the VP of Nutrigenetic Science, and were shot on location in London at the back end of the first Covid lockdown, so we needed to approach the live-action shoot with care.

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The project

Following the successful creation of these interviews, Jeremy got back in contact to request our video production services again. This time, it was for the creation of a brand film for the company. The film needed to showcase the products being used by a range of people undertaking different activities, as well as including the product pack shots. We suggested an approach that was totally driven by the footage of people undertaking different sports. The suggestion was also to use no voiceover and just minimal on-screen text.

We shot the video in a range of different locations including Old Harry Rocks in Dorset, Bewl Water in Kent, a boxing gym, a yoga studio and a kitchen. The filming also utilised a number of actors and sports people. We edited the footage together, created the animated text and added an uplifting music track to add pace and emotion to the video. The video was used on Crowdcube for the very successful crowdfunding round where the company raised almost ยฃ350,000. A great return on their investment, right?! Check out the brand video below!


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To learn more about our video services, call us on +44 (0)203 745 0825 or contact us using our enquiry form.

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