Charity Video Screenshot

It’s about giving back…

Here at DreamingFish, we think it is really important to play our part in our community both locally and globally, as well as tackle the big issue of climate change and environmental destruction.

Christmas 2019 Screenshot

Merry Christmas 2019!

Merry Christmas to all our lovely clients and suppliers! We’ve had a great year and we cannot wait to work with you in the new year! Here’s to 2020!?

Dreaming Fish 5 Year Anniversary

It’s our 5th birthday!

Thank you to everyone who has been part of our journey, what a great 5 year’s it has been! We look forward to getting older and seeing what the future holds! 🎂 🎉

Happy Halloween 2019 - The Chosen One

Happy Halloween!

This Halloween, watch The Chosen One…the shocking truth of a pumpkin’s fate!

Dreaming Fish Screenshot 1

Merry Christmas 2018!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Thank you to everyone that has been part of our 2018, we cannot wait to see what 2019 has in-store for us!

Dreaming Fish Mark - CEO Message

We’ve rebranded!

After weeks of preparations, we are happy to introduce our new look. As we continue to grow and add new services, we felt it was about time we gave our logo a polish – same great service, but now with a brand new look!

Dreaming Fish Productions Logo

Brexit: The Way Forward following the EU Referendum

On Friday morning, following the EU Referendum result, we were watching the news and my six year old asked “Daddy, will we need to leave our house now?” My eight year old then asked “Daddy, will there be a war?” Whilst we truly hope neither of these outcomes come to pass, we are now entering