Kinetica | Porsche testimonial video San Francisco

Testimonial video created for Kinetica, based in San Francisco, to show their partnership with sports car manufacture, Porsche. Produced and edited by Dreaming Fish Productions.

The project

Porsche are one of the leading sports cars manufactures, their iconic look, power and sound has been recognised globally for years. As technology advances so does the amount of data produced, and companies like Porsche need to collect, analyse and react to the data in real time…That’s were Kinetica comes in. They give organisations the capabilities to streamline the data instantly and efficiently. Kinetica and Porsche had been working together for a few years and Kinetica wanted to create a customer story/testimonial video which would showcase their unique partnership. This was such an exciting opportunity for us; who doesn’t like making a video with fast cars in it!

Porsche 2 - Daniel Maroslavac

Porsche 3

The production

Before we started production, Porsche had already given us access to their internal video library of TVCs, brand films, documentaries and product launch videos. This meant we had a vast quantity of amazing footage that had been shot all over the world. To help bring the story to life, we decided to shoot a talking head with Porsche’s Program Manager for Data Analytics and Connected Cars, Daniel Maroslavac. Daniel had a busy schedule but was going to be at Kinetica’s head office in San Francisco for meetings so decided to shoot the interview there. Kinetica’s office was on the 32nd floor looking out over the bay but unfortunately, the weather was overcast during our one hour slot with Daniel…typical.

With the interview filmed, we then started the process of going through hours of library footage and selecting the ones we thought would help tell their partnership success story. Every clip of b-roll you see in the video was library footage, intertwined with our interview shots. The final edit was faced paced and exciting to watch, a bit like a Porsche!


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