ForgeRock | Live-action brand film East London

Brand film for San Francisco-based company ForgeRock showcasing the importance of managing your digital identity. Filmed in East London, edited and produced by Dreaming Fish Productions.

FR - My Identity

Production in East London

Our mission from ForgeRock (a multinational identity and access management software company) was to create a brand and manifesto film for them to use at the beginning of each of their global events as well as on the home page of the company website.

Initially, the film was going to feature stock footage backed up by a voiceover reading a script written in the third person. However, the ForgeRock brand has always been edgy and the company constantly pushes the boundaries, so we thought we’d go with something a little different…We changed our approach to feature a first-person script delivered by an actor, straight down the lens directly to the audience. The next thing to consider was the location for the actor to be filmed in and a chance viewing of X Factor on a Saturday night gave us the answer; a box made up of projector screens with multiple projectors beaming stock footage onto the sides and top. We pitched this creative concept to ForgeRock and they loved the idea!

We sourced a location for the production in East London; a warehouse large enough to give us the room we needed to build the set. We booked the location for two days, one to build the set and one to film. We entrusted the building of the metal box to our friends at Indigo Splash, and they also provided the screen material, projectors, support with lighting and control equipment for syncing the video. We needed four stock films to run simultaneously while the actor delivered his lines, and these had been created prior to the event and timed to the script.

My Identity BTS

My Identity BTS 2

My Identity

Day 2 was all about the filming. The actor, Dave, had to deliver his lines in time with the various stock films going on around him, and the camera operator, our very own Tom Marner, had to ensure that the camera moves were also choreographed in time with Dave and the stock films. It was tricky shoot, with many moving parts, but by the end of the day we had everything we needed and it looked great! (if we do say so ourselves…)

Following the shoot, post-production was carried out back at DreamingFish HQ in Woking, Surrey, and the live-action brand film ‘My Identity’ premiered at ForgeRock’s US event in Austin, Texas.


Come with us BTS!

Due to the scale of this production, we decided to create a BTS video to document the process! Watch the video below to see how it all came together. Massive thanks to the team at ForgeRock for trusting us with the project – it’s been one of our favourite projects ever!


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