AML World Awareness Day

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Supporting Leukaemia UK

Did you know that over 3,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia every year? As today is #AML World Awareness Day, we wanted to take the opportunity raise awareness around the different types of blood cancer. Leukaemia UK are a fantastic charity which has been funding research into leukaemia and various other blood cancers for well over 40 years and we couldn’t be prouder of their continuous hard work and dedication. We are so proud to support such an incredible charity. 🧡

What is AML?

“Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a type of leukaemia and therefore a type of blood cancer. The word ‘acute’ in the name indicates that the disease may progress very quickly. The word myeloid refers to the type of blood cells affected  – the myeloid cells. AML is the most common form of acute leukaemia. It’s an aggressive type of leukaemia that causes symptoms quickly and progresses rapidly. AML is predominately diagnosed in adults, common in the over 60 years of age. Children can also be diagnosed with AML.” Check out the animated explainer below that we created for Leukaemia UK, to explain AML and its symptoms:

Early diagnosis saves lives!

If you, a friend or a loved one has any concerns about your/their health, please contact your GP straightaway; early diagnosis saves lives. For more information on leukaemia, head over to their website to learn more. Thank you x

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