Celebrating Earth Day 2023 🌎

Tree aid

Our journey to net-zero continued

The road to becoming carbon neutral is not a straight one; there’s no road map as yet, no guide. We’re all feeling our way, and it’s not perfect. But every step we take is one step closer to the goal.

And the clock is ticking…

We know that we no longer have the luxury of time. We need to act fast and for that fact we shouldn’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Everything we can do now will pay us back in the future. Everything.

Here at DreamingFish we’re in our second year of measuring our emissions using Normative.io, and the results for 2022 show whilst we reduced our scope 2 emissions by looking more closely at our electricity usage, we’ve seen our scope 3 emissions increase, mainly because we are travelling internationally again.

Working internationally has been a big part of our work over the last nine years, but during the pandemic we had to adapt to different ways of working; using remote filming and local crews and this is an approach that we continued in 2022. But going from no flying to even a reduced amount compared to pre-pandemic levels, means that we were always going to see an increase in emissions. 

Tree Aid

tree-saplings - Tree Aid

Supporting Tree Aid

Our partnership with Tree Aid, and the contributions we continue to make to their projects in the drylands of Africa, go some way to offsetting the increase in 2022. But we know this is a blunt instrument to use for reducing our emissions, though we are very proud to support the work that the team are doing and the difference that they make to the environment and the lives of the people they work with. 

We’re not there yet, not even close, but we have begun our journey to net zero, and if every company does the same we’ll not only make a difference, we’ll be the difference. We all know that there is no excuse, no option and no prize for second place – we have to find a way and by navigating together we’ll be stronger.

Phil and the DreamingFish team x

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