Here at DreamingFish, we think it is really important to play our part in our community both locally and globally, as well as tackle the big issue of climate change and environmental destruction. We are supporting WWF UK whose HQ is located just down the road here in Woking, Tree Aid who work in Sub-saharan Africa planting trees and supporting local communities and Leukaemia UK who are working to eradicate Leukaemia. As a small company we feel that we can have the most impact with these charities and are providing support either through reduced priced services, pro-bono work or direct financial support.
WWF – The WWF mission is to stop degradation of our planet’s natural environment and build a future where people live in harmony with nature. They are currently working hard to tackle Climate Change and create safe habitats for wildlife. This year we have assisted with reduced priced services for event filming and editing and with their HQ based just a short walk away from the DF offices it is a perfect partnership!
TREE AID – Tree Aid’s mission is to create thriving and sustainable communities throughout the drylands of Africa and it is their goal of building a green wall across Africa. They have local teams who work in partnership with rural communities to plant and protect trees, and they share tools and undertake training to help people grow themselves out of poverty. We absolutely love the Tree Aid mission and wanted to directly support their work. We know that climate change is the biggest issue that the world is facing today and we feel that Tree Aid is actively taking a position to help tackle this, as well as working hard to support communities directly affected.
Leukaemia UK – Someone in the UK is diagnosed with a blood cancer every 14 minutes and Leukaemia UK are working hard to support those affected through the physical, psychological and emotional uncertainty that lies ahead. The work that Angela & her team do completely touched our hearts and we wanted to do everything we could to help them spread the word about their charity. We support Leukaemia UK by creating videos for their website and social channels to help them raise awareness and increase support.