The Top Christmas Ads of 2022 | Pt 2

Photo credit – Pexels

Here’s part 2 of Helen’s favourite festive adverts for you all to get your teeth into!

Asda | Have Your Elf a Merry Christmas

It’s only because my favourite Christmas film is Elf that I include this on my faves list. Carefully selected clips from the film have been edited into this ad, to make it seem that Buddy the Elf (Will Ferrell) has really joined the team and is making Asda’s xmas perfect. 🎁 The whole budget was probably spent on the rights to the film, so I’ll let them off not doing anything really clever with the script or overall idea. Any excuse to see Buddy and I’m good.

Aldi | Will Kevin be home alone this Christmas?

Home alone story, but Macaulay Culkin is replaced with a carrot. The end. Well not quite but kinda. I know the kids will love seeing their Carrot hero again, and the adults will enjoy the cheeky positioning of the carrot on the snowman. Parodying a film is a bit of an easy get out – no new story needed (but maybe they ran out of ideas after the last few years and Robbie Williams was busy!) and everyone loves Home Alone, so it’s allowed. Nice charity plug at the top though and how did they make the Mum carrot really look like Catherine O Hara?? 🥕
Lidl | The Story of Lidl Bear

I know they have intentionally included cliches, but this idea falls a little bit flat for me. The deadpan bear is a different approach to the usual cute or funny character seen in other ads, and was probably laughed at around the table when the idea came up, but that’s the problem, no personality = no cares given. On paper the story sounds OK – Dad shrinks his Lidl jumper (er, his what?) so Bear wears jumper. Girl loses Bear. Bear unexpectedly finds fame and goes on to become the face of Lidl’s advertising campaign. But it just doesn’t make me feel anything, didn’t really even get a smile.

I had Imagined it has the potential to get every under 6 asking for a Lidl bear for Christmas and for them to rake in the cash, but you won’t find Lidl Bear for sale in any of the supermarket’s stores. Happily Lidl Bear’s Toy Bank is a nationwide donation initiative, which includes a £125,000 donation from the brand, and will provide new and unwrapped toys and games to children across the UK through the Neighbourly community network. So I felt better about that. Maybe next year, Lidl bear might surprise me and make a welcome return with a personality and a story that wins me over. 🧸

lidl bear 1

Image credits – Radio Times

lidl bear 2
Sainsburys | Once Upon a Pud

Why Alison Hammond? (Even though she’s pretty good at acting surprisingly) Why the teenage dirtbag song? Why is everyone dressed like that? Why?…Even though I’m a bit confused, it’s not that bad, it just feels a bit forced and random. Also feels like I’ve seen it before – maybe John Lewis’s Edgar the Dragon vibes?

Sainsburys has had so many brilliant ads over the years (1914 and The Big Night stand out for me) so it was interesting to see this one. It is fun and it is light hearted and it’s clear why they did it. Sainsburys’ Head of Campaigns Laura Boothby said this year Sainsbury’s wanted to put more of a focus on humour: “One of the insights we had for this year was actually can we create something even more joyful and humorous, because I think that is what the nation wants at the minute. And just putting food and Taste the Difference a little more at the heart of it.”I agree with the reasoning, it’s what we all need, just interesting choices made.

Same time next year?

That’s my lot this year, well done everyone for attempting to cheer us all up, or do some good at a tough time. I’m off to change my mind on all the above – the joys of a creative mind.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy (and drama free) new year! ⭐️

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