Supporting Tree Aid 🫶🏼
At DreamingFish, we’re super proud to support the fantastic organisation, Tree Aid, who work tirelessly to support families across the drylands of Africa to build resilience in the face of climate change. Millions of people across this region experience food insecurity, undernourishment, stunting and severe wasting. Unfortunately, many families are forced to eat only once a day and fill up on starchy food like rice, which lacks vital nutrients. The climate crisis is exacerbating the problem, making life tougher and more unpredictable for people who rely on the land for their food.🌲🌴 🌾

However, Tree Aid’s innovative approach is changing this narrative. With the right tools and training from Tree Aid, communities across the drylands of Africa are able to nurture drought-resistant, fast-growing trees. These trees offer a lifeline, providing a reliable source of food year round. When other crops fail due to severe weather conditions, trees endure—producing fruit, nuts, and leaves that can then be eaten or even sold for an income. For more information on Tree Aid’s Winter Appeal, head over to their website to learn more.
As always, a big thank you to Tree Aid for all their amazing work this year. We’re pleased to share their latest short film, which highlights how Tree Aid turn hunger into harvest. 🍃🫘🌳🥒 Check it out below!👇🏼 #TreeAid #HungerToHarvest #ClimateAction #SustainableFutures #DreamingFish #CharityPartnerships