Video marketing in 2021

It’s 2021! And we are all in need of a year full of positivity and fresh new content. You are probably well aware that video content must be a vital part of your marketing strategy this year but, maybe you don’t know where to start. Don’t worry, DreamingFish are here to help!

Whether you’re in or out of lockdown, video is going to be your biggest opportunity to sell your product or service this year. Digital marketing has seen the biggest rise ever and so it’s time you step up your content game! Still not convinced? Let’s answer some of your questions:

Q: I need people to understand what my company offers – how can video help me?

‱Video is a great way to explain your product or service, it combines visuals with a voiceover, sound and additional text headings which helps paint a full picture in a way that is much more engaging than a text article. Video also allows your viewers to see your product or service in action. According to a survey by Social Media Week viewers claim they retain 95% of a message when delivered via video. So, it’s really important that you prioritise your top key messages and make sure everything mentioned is relevant (and leave out all the fluff!). 

Q: Can video help me raise brand awareness?

‱ In 2020, video ads were the #1 way consumers discovered a brand they later purchased from (Animoto) and over 70% of YouTube users said that they were made aware of a new brand due to pre-roll adverts (YouTube). So deploying your video as sponsored social media ads is a very effective way to raise brand awareness. Video gives you the opportunity to give your company a personality. Here are some things to think about:

Brand Guidelines

Make sure your video is bang on brand. If you’re introducing viewers to your brand for the first time it’s important that you’re consistent with logos, colours and fonts. Viewers are more likely to engage with your content if they recognise the brand!

Script & Voiceover

Your script needs to sound like your company! Make sure the language matches the tone of your website and uses language that resonates with your target audience. Your choice of voiceover is just as important as the script. Do you want a male or female voice? Do you want to sound as if you are UK based or global? How should the script be read? Conversational, upbeat or corporate? 


No matter whether your video is animation or live action the visuals your display on screen needs to show off your brand’s personality. For animations; consider the style of illustrations, colours, movement and pace, and for live action videos concentrate on the delivery that you want the talent to give. They are going to become the face of your brand so it’s important they reflect everything you stand for. 

Q: Is video content effective for converting customers?

‱According to Wyzowl 87% of marketers say video has helped them increase traffic to their website. It is a well-known fact that you are more likely to rank higher on Google if you have video on your website. 83% of marketers say video has helped them generate leads (Wyzowl) as it gave their website visitors an understanding of what their company was offering and helped them directly increase sales. 

Okay, so now I understand the power of video, where shall I share it? There are so many channels you can share your video on but we’ll focus on a few of the main ones:

‱ Your Website

If someone is visiting your website chances are they are already invested in what your company does but now you have to keep them there! Wyzowl states that 81% of marketers say video has increased dwell time on their website. 

‱ Social Media

The time we spend on social media has increased by 62.5% just in the last few years! If you want your video to be seen then social media is the perfect platform for you which guarantees viewers. In 2020 the number of consumers who were making purchases due to ads on social media increased by 24% and it is predicted that it’ll increase even more in 2021! Here are some stats to help you decide which social media channel is suitable for you:

Instagram: According to a survey by Animoto, 1 in 4 consumers made a purchase after seeing a story on Instagram.

Twitter: Tweets with video attract 10x more engagements than Tweets without video. (Twitter)

Facebook: Facebook is the #1 platform where marketers plan to invest in the next 12 months. (Animoto)

TikTok: 25% of marketers plan to start using TikTok as an advertising channel in 2021. (Postclick)

LinkedIn: Content on LinkedIn designed for silent viewing is 70% more likely to be watched all the way through to the end. (LinkedIn) So make sure you add Subtitles!

YouTube: YouTube is the #1 purchase-driver on social. (Animoto)

Q: Ok but, is this a trend or is video marketing here to stay?

‱Of course it’s here to stay! And the video competition is about to get a whole lot more competitive! 

Q: Are other companies using video?

‱Yes! Not only are they using it but they plan on increasing their video content! Take a look at some stats: 

– Video is the #1 form of media used in content strategy, overtaking blogs and infographics. (Hubspot)
– 61% of marketers plan to increase their video spending in 2021. (Postclick)92% of video marketers consider video an important part of their marketing strategy. (Wyzowl)

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

Learn more about our video services

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