Happy Halloween👻

To celebrate spooky season, our crafty motion graphics designer, James created an epic animation to get you all in the spirit of Halloween.💀 🎃 🤡🦇

DF x TO collaboration | City Life Ep1

We’re working with Time Out London on a new video campaign! Time Out are collaborating with Free Now to create a video series called City Life, which brings together all things to do and see in London. To kick the series off, Episode 1 is all about Deptford High Street…

A guide to video advertising

We all know that video advertising is one of the best forms of marketing, but how can you make it the stand-out point of your marketing strategy?

Explainer videos explained

Animated videos are a really effective tool that businesses should consider having in order to enhance their digital marketing strategies. Not only do they apply motion to your visual story, but they also work to attract the attention and maintain the focus of your target audience in an engaging and comprehensive way. Read on to find out more!


We had our mentees from the first #GirlsInFilm✨ session at University of Brighton visit the DF HQ! Ella and Alex joined Helen, Ana and Lucy for the day…

Benefits of advertising on YouTube

As the word’s second most popular search engine (after Google), Youtube has over 2 billion visitors a month. So, advertising on the social platform sounds like a no-brainer, right?

How to use Instagram video ads

Since its launch back in 2010, Instagram has become so much more than an app that allows users to share photos from all over the world.

Toxic influence | A Dove film

Dove’s new film, ‘Toxic Influence’, addresses a massive problem faced by teenage girls on social media surrounding toxic beauty messages.

Best 90s TV adverts

The 90’s were awesome, although some of us here at DreamingFish were far too young to remember them properly. Read all about our fav ads here! 📖

What are Instagram video ads?

Instagram has evolved into the world’s fourth most popular social media platform, and its video content is one of the primary reasons why…